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Create font package

How to create font package

Follow below instructions:



  • Open the cloned repo through a text editor (eg Sublime Text)

  • Explore the Google fonts and choose the font you want to create in fastn (eg: lato)
  • Select all the styles of the font that you want to have in your font package.
  • Copy the URL, as given in below image example.
  • Paste the URL in the new tab and copy the content of the entire page.
  • In the cloned google-font-to-fastn repo, open the font.txt file and replace the content of this file with the copied content
💡 Tip:
Naming convention: Use the google-font name (eg: Lato) and append it with -font. (eg: lato-font, make sure the name is in lowercase)
  • Copy the the font repostory package name from the FASTN.ftd file
  • In the cloned google-font-to-fastn repo, open the read_google_font.py file

  • Search for package_name variable and change the value with your font repository package name. Also, search for repo variable and change the value with the alias name (eg: lato-font)

  • Open the terminal and navigate to the directory of the cloned google-font-to-fastn repo

  • Run the python request command.
python3 -m pip install requests
💡 Tip:
If the python version is above 3 then this command will work, else you can use python -m pip install requests
Once the installation is successful, run the read_google_font.py script:
python3 read_google_font.py
  • (This script will generate FASTN.ftd and static folder in the google-font-to-fastn repository)

  • Open the FASTN.ftd file and copy the all --fastn.font sections.
  • Now, open the FASTN.ftd of the font repository you created using the font-template

  • Paste the copied --fastn.font sections there and Commit the changes

  • Now, open the custom.ftd file and replace with the selected font name (eg: Lato)

  • Copy the static folder that was created in the google-font-to-fastn repository when you executed the command and paste it in your repository

  • You have successfully created your custom font

  • Go to Settings>Pages and select gh-pages from the Build and deployment section.
  • This will generate your live URL once the workflow Page Build and Deployment executes successfully.

  • Open the URL and you will see the output.